Approve #3.
To fix our roads and bridges.
Like many states, Rhode Island’s infrastructure is in dire shape. It’s the result of decades of deterioration and heavier-than-expected use. The harsh realities of New England weather, including this year’s record floods, have only made things worse.
An “Approve” vote on Question 3, on November 2, is the only viable way to finance our urgent need for infrastructure improvements.
If Question 3 isn’t approved, highway and bridge work in the Ocean State will come to a standstill. These infrastructure projects support more than 5,000 jobs in construction and related fields.* Activity that also generates additional state revenues through related goods and services.
* Based on construction job-support formulas provided by the Federal Highway Administration.
I-195 Taunton Avenue Exit.
The rehab of this crucial bridge, which overpasses Warren Avenue, depends on the approval of Question 3.